REVIEW: Les Mills RPM 70 – does it make me wet and wanting?

Let me just say this, my maximum heart rate when I exited the class was at 161. That’s the highest I have achieved in the last 2 months of various workouts. Each track works you up right from the start and there was hardly any recovery. So it wasn’t unusual to see your heart rate spiking and finally peaked at 161.

This time, Glen Ostergaard has changed the track sequences and added more cardio and extended interval routines. We also have sprint standing. There was very little recovery from one track to another, the choreo kept changing, music kept pulsing, the instructor kept pushing and we kept it up as much as we can. I felt the burn a lot more in my quads, there’s a lot more frequent and longer standing climbs, and racing standing attacks.

The music playlist is fantastic, there’s a better synchronization between the choreo and the beat in this release. 45 minutes of pure heart pumping work and grunts later, I was a wet sweaty mess but I felt stronger, and I wanted more. So I end up with 3 “cycle-delic” RPM70 classes this week and already there’s muscle memory and my heart rate has decreased with each session.

Still if anything, each class fires up around 380-450 calories for me. Bring on release 80 guys, I definitely want more!

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